The End of the Feud

Act 5, Scene 3

Lord Montague:
Everything has fallen apart. First a massive brawl breaks out in the city due to the feud between my family and the Capulets. Then Romeo gets so depressed, that he stops talking to me and Lady Montague. After that, Tybalt and Mercutio die, and now so have Romeo and Lady Montague! This is chaotic. I should have listened to Lady Montague when she told me that this battle was not bound to end well. The feud has been total nonsense all along. I've lost all of my family. This pointless battle with the Capulets has ended. Lady Montague could not stand the grief of Romeo being banished, and killed herself. Romeo killed himself for a Capulet girl, named Juliet, because he thought - like the rest of Verona - that she was dead, and he was so passionately in love with her that he couldn't live on without her. I am a failure. I have failed to keep my family together, and now they are all dead, all because of this ridiculous feud that was going on. If I had listened to my lady, Romeo would not have feared telling us that he was in love with a Capulet, and none of this would have ever happened. I am overcome with depression. I don't know what to do anymore. There is no way out. I'm all alone.
One of the Prince's men came only a few hours ago, to my house, so that I could see Romeo and explain what had happened. I didn't know anything, nor did I ever know anything, but Friar Lawrence and Balthasar cleared it up for the most part. I could not believe what the Friar was saying when he spoke. He knew all along of what was going on between Romeo and Juliet and he never told anyone! He even helped Juliet fake her death so that she could go and live with Romeo in Mantua. He is no man of God to me. I'd be furious at him, but my anger is masked by my depression. While I was there, I also learned that Romeo killed Paris. I always had confidence that he would grow up and easily be able to take care of himself. Never did I think that he'd end up being a murderer. I should have been there for him. I could have stopped all of this, but chose not to. On a slightly brighter note, Lord Capulet and I were able to end the feud. We shook hands and I promised to make him a gold statue of Juliet and he's going to make one of Romeo. Hopefully this will keep my mind off things for a while. I've done everything wrong. I only hope that I will not blind myself from reality ever again.

Last Words

Act 5, Scene 3

Lady Montague:
Oh, my Romeo! I cannot live with my child so far away from me! I don't know how he is doing or where he is. This is so hard to live through. I don't think I'll make it. All Lord Montague has been focusing on is the feud with the Capulets. I wish they'd just end this war! Then maybe I could get a chance to talk to Prince Escalus about letting Romeo back into the city. I haven't heard a word from him or about him in almost three days now. I've laid in bed weeping all day. I don't think that I am able to convice myself to get up. I feel like my life is slowly falling apart, and I cannot stand to think about it. First a brawl breaks out in the city and we have to face Prince Escalus and be threatened with death. Then, Mercutio, a close family friend, gets killed by Tybalt, and when Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge, he gets banished. This feud has gone too far! It's not just people dying anymore, it's my own son whose life is in danger! It's all my fault. I should have found a way of getting through to him and preventing him from acting so rashly. He's so young. He has his whole life ahead of him. I cannot stand to think that he will be living it the way it is now. It breaks my heart. I am a shame as a parent. I don't want my son to grow up away from his family, pulled away from everything that he was and everything that he had. Lord Montague wants me to get out of bed and stop weeping, but I can't convince myself to do it. My life has crumbled to pieces. My Romeo has been banished and it appears to me that it doesn't really matter to my lord what his family does. I cannot stand to live this horrible life anymore! It is my wish to be taken by death.