Dead Juliet

Act 4, Scene 5

Lord Montague:
A rumor spread though the streets of Verona that that silly Capulet girl named Juliet was going to marry count Paris. When I first heard this, I got quite angry. A man of such high nobility marrying a worthless Capulet?! I'd rather he married a peasant, as he deserves a better wife, and the Capulets do not deserve to have a man of such high stature included in their family. All of this anger was suppressed this morning when I heard that Juliet had killed herself. I felt like all the anger drained out of me. It was so relieving. Not only that but it shows how nature finds its balance; Romeo Montague has been banished, and Juliet Capulet has killed herself. After hearing this message I had to be extremely careful how I acted around the house. My lady would probably smack me if she found out what pleasure it brings me that a Capulet has died. She found the event horrifying; I found her reaction horrifying. She couldn't stop talking about how young the girl was and how horrible it must be for the Capulets, especially since she was getting married today. Ha! I think it's all quite funny how a Montague has been banished and their best friend killed, and so two Capulets are now also gone. Although, I have a feeling that Lady Montague is just acting like that because she is so opposed to the way that I view this feud. I mean, I actually take it seriously, unlike her. She fails to realize that Montagues are dying because of it! I think she's trying to manipulate me into "seeing how pointless it is, and all the horrible events that are occurring due to it." Sometimes, I don't believe that we are married. All these years, she's been a great wife, but suddenly, people start dying and Romeo gets banished, and she changes into some annoying lady. Yet, I must point out that the banishment of Romeo has hit her pretty hard. She and I have both agreed to go and speak with Prince Escalus about it in two weeks, although, personally, I don't think that either of us can wait any longer. Prince Escalus is being so rash, I often question whether he will be a good ruler or not.


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